PART 1: TypeScript Mapped Type Magic

Ahoy there TypeScript warriors! 👋 Today we're extending our work in the TypeScript mapped types article to provide branding. The previous article discussed how to use TypeScript mapped types in a nominal rather than structural nature.

type A = {
    x: number

type B = {
    x: number

This is a fancy way of saying TypeScript is structural by default, i.e. it will see type A and B as equal when dealing with types. Making type A and B nominal would make TypeScript differentiate them apart, even though their structure is the same.

In this post, we're building on that work to produce a way to brand a type, providing an automated and easy-to-use way of making a type nominal. Branding focuses on the type system only, rather than introducing runtime fields like in the previous post, which is a major benefit over the previous approach.

What's the problem?

Branding, also known as opaque types, enable differentiation of types in TypeScript which otherwise would be classified as the same type. For example

type A = {
    x: number
    y: boolean
    z: string

type B = {
    x: number
    y: boolean
    z: string

A and B are structurally the same, ergo TypeScript accepts any instance of A or B in place of each other:

const fn = (a: A) => {
    console.log('do something with A')

const obj: B = {
    x: 1,
    y: true,
    z: 'hello',

fn(obj) // absolutely fine, even though fn accepts types of A and obj is of type B!

The function is looking for a value of type A as input, whereas we're passing it a value of type B. TypeScript compares the types structurally, and because they have exactly the same structure it deems this operation to be fine.

But what if we need to tell A and B apart? What if, conceptually speaking, they must be different? What if we're doing something fancy with A and B which TypeScript is unaware of but we require the types to be different? That's exactly the situation we found ourselves in lately!

We need branding to do exactly that.

The solution

Much like in the TypeScript mapped types article, the key lies in creating a field with the name of a symbol to act as our id. However, with branding we only need this field at a type-level rather than the runtime-level. Since types are erased after compilation, we need to add this field to a type without altering the runtime data whatsoever. Casting, anyone?

First, lets introduce the brand field.

const brand = Symbol('brand') // keep this private!!

type A = {
    x: number
    y: boolean
    z: string
} & {
    [brand]: 'A'

Here we're adding the brand field to type A. The brand field name is a symbol, akin to a UUID. We use a symbol to ensure the brand field never clashes with any other field for A, because we'd be overwriting a field otherwise and introducing the worse kind of bugs: type bugs 🐛 . We've set the brand to 'A' at the moment, though this could be anything you desire. It's akin to the type name. Now let's compare A and B again:

const fn = (a: A) => {
    console.log('do something with A')

const obj: B = {
    x: 1,
    y: true,
    z: 'hello',

fn(obj) // Error!

Here's the error:

Argument of type 'B' is not assignable to parameter of type 'A'.
  Property '[brand]' is missing in type 'B' but required in type '{ [brand]: "a"; }'.ts(2345)

TypeScript won't let us pass an instance of B to the function accepting A because it's missing the brand field - brilliant! A and B are now different types. But what about if B had its own brand?

type B = {
    x: number
    y: boolean
    z: string
} & {
    [brand]: 'B'

Note that we're using the same brand variable from before. It's important to keep this constant, otherwise we're declaring fields with different names!

Now lets try the function again:

const fn = (a: A) => {
    console.log('do something with A')

const obj: B = {
    x: 1,
    y: true,
    z: 'hello',

fn(obj) // Error!

And here's the error

Argument of type 'B' is not assignable to parameter of type 'A'.
  Type 'B' is not assignable to type '{ [brand]: "A"; }'.
    Types of property '[brand]' are incompatible.
      Type '"B"' is not assignable to type '"A"'.ts(2345)

There we go! The error is saying that though both types have a brand field, the value for the brand is different for the two types, i.e. 'A' != 'B'!

Let's see what happens if the brand is the same:

type A = {
    x: number
    y: boolean
    z: string
} & {
    [brand]: 'foobar'

type B = {
    x: number
    y: boolean
    z: string
} & {
    [brand]: 'foobar'

const fn = (a: A) => {
    console.log('do something with A')

const obj: B = {
    x: 1,
    y: true,
    z: 'hello',

fn(obj) // absolutely fine!

No error! A and B are seen as interchangeable types because they're structurally the same, having the same fields and same brand value of 'foobar'. Excellent!

Make it generic

Awesome, so that works. But it's a toy example, not fit for production. Let's create a Brand type which can brand any type you wish:

const brand = Symbol('brand') // keep this private!

type Brand<T, U> = T & {
    [brand]: U

This type is very simple, it takes your type T and adds a brand field with U being the brand value. Here's how to use it:

type A_Unbranded = {
    x: number
    y: boolean
    z: string

type A = Brand<A_Unbranded, 'A'> // {
//     x: number;
//     y: boolean;
//     z: string;
// } & {
//     [brand]: "A";
// }

So now we can brand any type. For completeness, here's the same kind of thing to remove the brand and go back to plain ol' TypeScript types:

type RemoveBrand<T> = T[Exclude<keyof T, typeof brand>]

And this will remove the brand field from any branded type. Also note that if the type is not branded, it will not be touched!

Real world usage

Let's put this into practice. We've got a class which needs branding to identify its type when dealing with mapped types.

For simplicity, lets boil the class down to a Dog class:

class Dog {
    constructor(public name: string) {}

type DogBranded = Brand<Dog, 'Dog'>

const dog = new DogBranded('Spot') // Error!

TypeScript won't let us construct a branded dog 😢 . We're going to need to do some casting using the constructor to brand the constructor rather than the class itself.

type Ctor<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T

const addBrand = <T>(ctor: Ctor<T>, name: string) => {
    return ctor as Ctor<Brand<T, typeof name>>

const DogBranded = addBrand(Dog, 'Dog')

const dog = new DogBranded('Spot') // ok

The addBrand function takes a constructor of a class and casts it to a branded type. This essentially makes an alias for the Dog class which can be used in exactly the same way as the Dog class, e.g. calling new on it.

We can export the DogBranded type to allow the outer world to use our class whilst ensuring it's always branded:

export type DogExported = typeof DogBranded

Likewise, we can do the same for brand removal:

const removeBrand = <T>(value: T) => {
    return value as RemoveBrand<T>

This simply removes the brand by casting the type to a type mapped without the brand field.

And there we go: a sure-fire way to brand and un-brand your types in TypeScript 😃

We've published this work as a library which you can access via NPM!

At Prosopo, we're using TypeScript branding to fortify our types and do clever type mapping for our soon-to-be-released runtime type validator. Stay tuned for updates!

PART 1: TypeScript Mapped Type Magic

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